Programs Offered:
- Executive MBA
- B.Ed
- M.Ed
- M.Sc - International Relations, Economics, Education
- B.Tech - Electronics, Electrical, Civil, Mechanical
- M.Phil/PhD - Psychology, Economics, International Relations, Education, Management
How to Apply: You can obtain application forms from any of the university campuses and then submit the filled application forms. For any further information you can visit the website by clicking here.
How is preston university?
whats the most best Bachelor degree at preston..?
Reply me soon
Preston university Lahore campus is no good so if you are planning to join Preston univeristy in Lahore then you might need to reconsider your option.
But BBA degree is best as far as other campuses are concern.
It is important for the students to observe all those necessary objects which are even considered to be important to observe herein. english language editing
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